Keynotes & Workshops
Keynote: International Conference in Social Sciences hosted by the National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan
Invited Presentation: 4th Annual World Congress of Education,
"Teaching for Long-term Learning the only Kind of Learning that Matters."
Sapporo, Japan
Developed and presented 3 sessions "How to Teach and Learn in Harmony with the Brain" for the University of Business and Technology, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

CEO, Learner Centered Teaching Consultants
Terry Doyle is an author, educational consultant and professor emeritus of reading at Ferris State University where he worked for 38 years. Terry has given over 250 presentations and keynote addresses at regional, national and international conferences and has worked with faculty on more than 400 campuses around the world.

Executive Coach, Communications
Learner Centered Teaching Consultants
Jessica Doyle-Mekkes is the Head of Musical Theatre at East Carolina University where she has taught voice and vocal pedagogy since 2017.
Jessica has spent the last 15 years studying the human voice and working as an executive speaking & performance coach for actors, singers, and public speakers. An internationally published writer and sought after clinician, her debut book, I’m Speaking: every woman’s guide to finding your voice & using it fearlessly (Rowman & Littlefield) and was recently touted as, "...a bible in standing your ground without trepidation." by Publisher's Weekly.
Jessica works as a speaker, advisor, and clinician to individuals, groups, NGO’s and businesses small and large teaching how to harness the power of the voice: in the head & out of the mouth.
"We look forward to sharing copies of The New Science of Learning with all of the
participants, so that they can dive even deeper into the ideas you introduced today. It has been an absolute pleasure meeting and learning from you!"
- Maya Weilundemo Ott, EdD
Associate Director, Center for Teaching & Scholarly Excellence
Suffolk University
"In 46 years of university experience, yours was the best and most useful presentation I have experienced."
- Art Freeman, Director of Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Midwestern University