"Thank you again for coming to Montana State University to talk at the ICLTSS conference and to our faculty. I thoroughly enjoyed both of your presentations. I am so fascinated at how exercise, hydration, and diet can make such a difference in student learning. I am thankful that you are current on the research on this. I am looking forward to reading your new book! There were many positive comments from people after your presentations and they appreciated your coming." - Dr Marilyn Lockhart. Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence, Montana State University.
"I’m in my 12th year of teaching higher ed. and appreciate your sage advice, your EXCELLENT slide show, ALL most relevant!
Oh, yes, I’m a music therapist and educator of music therapy students, ‘have been on a ‘brain quest’ since 1992. LOVE what you have created, ‘spot on’!!! I look forward to sharing with my faculty!" - Christine Korb, Music Therapy Program Director, Pacific Univeristy
"I would prefer a root canal without Novacaine than attend a full day faculty retreat…….. until today. In 46 years of university experience, yours was the best and most useful presentation I have experienced.
Great job. Please come back to MWU. We need depth and not another speaker to give us variety." - Art Freeman, Director of Clinical Psychology Program, Midwestern University
"Last week, I had the good fortune to attend the 45th annual conference of the International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning (ISETL) in Savannah, GA. While the weather was delightful, the ideas discussed among attendees were even better! Now back at home and work, I’ve been busy reflecting on my experiences over the three days of the conference. While several blog posts will be posted in the coming weeks that originate in ideas generated and/or shared at ISETL, I wanted to first reflect on ideas from the keynote address delivered at the opening of the conference by Prof. Terry Doyle (titled: A New Paradigm for Student Learners). While this address focused on interesting research-based necessities to support student learning (hydration, sleep, exercise, and diet), it was the initial content of the address that has provided a foundation for my thinking about teaching and learning ever since." -Jennifer Friberg, SoTL Scholar-Mentor at Illinois State University
"You gave a wonderful lecture at the Virginia Tech conference last week. Thank you for providing us with some great information!" - Renee Gerow